CR Land Climate Change Policy

2023-06-06Resource:[Back to the list]【Font:Large Medium Small


1 Purpose

1.1 China Resources Land Limited (“CR Land” or the “Company”) attaches great importance to climate change and responds to the relevant requirements of the national carbon peaking and carbon neutrality and the 14th Five-Year Plan. We are committed to managing and responding to climate change risks throughout our operations. We aim to focus on the TCFD’s four pillars of governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets, formulate the action plan for carbon dioxide peaking in accordance with the best measures in the global industry, and actively take multiple measures to mitigate climate change.

1.2 This Policy is applicable to CR Land and its major regions, business divisions, and specialized companies. All business partners, including partners, contractors, and suppliers are encouraged to comply with this Policy.

2 Content

2.1 Establish a top-down governance framework for sustainable development, set up a leadership team and office for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality that report to the Board of Directors on issues related to climate change. The Company aims to gradually form a sound climate change governance mechanism.

2.2 Formulate decarbonization goals and action plans, set and implement short-term goals that meet the scientific basis of carbon reduction targets and long-term goals of net zero emissions to reduce carbon emissions.

2.3 Incorporate climate change risks into relevant risk management and business operations, identify and analyze climate-related entities as well as transition risks and opportunities on a regular basis, including any related financial risks and opportunities. Integrate climate change-related risk evaluation in project investment, design, development, product and material procurement, operations, and other links. Ensure that the proposed acquisition project complies with sustainable development norms.

2.4 Strengthen the R&D and application of green technologies, as well as develop more low-carbon technologies and products to contribute to the transition of the low-carbon economy. Design building projects that can withstand extreme weather and better respond to climate change, including green buildings, zero and low carbon buildings, and environmentally friendly operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Adopt renewable energy to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. It aims to improve the energy efficiency of business operations and enhance its ability to respond to climate change.

2.5 Evaluate the importance of climate change issues to stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, tenants, and partners, and convey the latest policies on climate change impacts and the Company’s latest strategies. Relevant parties are encouraged to reduce carbon emissions in daily business and life.

2.6 Disclose the Company’s climate-related risks and opportunities and its management measures in the annual sustainability report, as recommended by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework.




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