I. Acceptance scope of corruption reporting in CR Land:

1. Accusations against CR Land employees who fail to perform their duties in accordance with the law, or violate regulations for authority use, integrity and ethics, or are suspected of corruption and bribery, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, power rent-seeking, transfer of interests, favoritism and other illegal and criminal acts of duty.

2. Complaints filed by CR Land employees against CR Land disciplinary inspection department's decision involving them; complaints filed by the person under investigation and their close relatives against behaviors of CR Land disciplinary inspection department and its staff that violate laws and regulations and infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the person under investigation.

II. Accusers and complainants must be responsible for the truthfulness of the accusations and complaints. When being investigated or questioned, they should truthfully provide claims and evidence. Any false accusation or false testimony must bear disciplinary and legal responsibilities.

III. CR Land disciplinary inspection department advocates real-name reporting (please fill in your real name, ID number and accurate contact information).

Online reporting: https://www.crland.com.cn/ljjb/jbbd/nmjb/index.html 

E-mail reporting: lianjie@crland.com.cn

Telephone reporting: 0755-22191515

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