CR Land Holds its 2019 Annual General Meeting

2019-06-06Resource:[Back to the list]【Font:Large Medium Small

On June 6, China Resources Land Limited ("CR Land") unveiled its 2019 annual general meeting in Hong Kong. The meeting, chaired by Chairman of the CR Land's Board, Tang Yong, was attended by, Executive Director, Shen Tongdong, Independent Non-executive Directors Yin Jintao, He Xianyi and Sun Zhe, CR Land's Secretary Luo Zhili, and Luo Guoji on behalf of his auditor team.

According to the Rules of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited Governing the Listing of Securities, the shareholders and proxies attending the meeting formally and duly adopted seven resolutions including deliberation of the annual financial report, the director's report and the auditor's report, the declaration of the final dividend, the determination of the annual remuneration of directors, the appointment of auditors and re-election of certain directors. Shareholders expressed their confidence in the development prospects of CR Land during the communication and exchanges between CR Land's management and shareholders on issues such as industry development and CR Land's operations.

At the meeting, Tang Yong expressed his gratitude to the shareholders for their support and love for CR Land over the years. He stressed and emphasized that CR Land directors would keep punching along the way to create more value for shareholders as guided by CR Land's watchful eyes on returns to shareholders through the ages.


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